Service Overview
Provides rehabilitative and supportive casework geared toward restoring patients to their optimum level of social and health adjustment. This includes assisting patients and them families in understanding, accepting, and following medical recommendations.
- Helps patients utilize the resources of their families and the community. This may be accomplished by either referring the patients to resources, or acting as an advocate on behalf of the patients in their dealings with other health and welfare agencies.
- Assists patients and their families with personal and environmental difficulties, which predispose them toward illness or interfere with obtaining maximum benefits from medical care. These range from counseling members of the patient’s family to assisting patients with admission to a nursing home.
- Consults with the physician and other members of the health team for the purpose of assisting them to understand significant social, emotional, and environmental factors related to the patient’s health problems.
- Prepares clinical/progress notes on the day of the visit and incorporates same in the clinical record weekly: provides summaries and re-evaluations if indicated.
- Attends case conferences.
- Participates in staff development and revision of the physician’s plan of treatment.
- Participates in staff development activities and in-service education.
- Assists in the development and revision of the physician’s plan of treatment.
- Supervises the social work assistant as required.
- Participates in discharge planning and in-service programs.
- Acts as a consultant to other agency personnel.
- Communicates effectively with all providing care.